The decorative carvings over the archways have agriculture related words such as Forests, Cereal, Flowers...etc.

This is only a small sampling of "famous trees" in the National Mall area.

This plaque states:
United States Department of Agriculture
"...As we enter the new millennium, we will not
simply be celebrating a new year, we will be celebrating
the enduring strength of our democracy, the renewal of
our sense of citizenship, and the full flowering of the
American mind and spirit."
Hillary Rodham Clinton
The White Oak Tree
Quercus alba
This tree named in honor of
December 18, 1999
Dedicated by
Dan Glickman
Secretary of Agriculture

The next tree celebrates the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not
where he stands in moments of comfort
and convenience, but where he stands
at times of challenge..."
1929 - 1968
This tree named in honor of Dr. King,
January 14, 1983
John R. Block
Secretary of Agriculture
The final plaque, for now, commemorates contributions from the Native Americans who lived and prospered here before Columbus "discovered" America.
This plaque states:
This tree commemorates the many
contributions Native Americans have
made to American agriculture.
Plants domesticated and harvested by
Native Americans in the new world
still make up a significant proportion
of all vegetables produced worldwide.
November 18, 1988
Richard E. Lyng
Secretary of Agriculture